
Nubian Television Policy Positions

  • The federal minimum wage in the U.S. is too low and should be raised. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 and has not increased since 2009. Raising the minimum wage would have a profound impact on the lives of tens of millions of individuals and families across the nation and help address growing income inequality.
  • Human-induced climate change is real, serious, and action is needed from the public and private sectors. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that human activities are contributing to climate-warming trends over the past century, and most leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. 
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion are good for business—and more fundamentally—simply right. Nubian TV viewers represent a wide array of genders, abilities, ages, religions, sexual orientations, military status, backgrounds, and political views. Our broadcast target audience is Black people, so the vast amount of our programming will feature Black people. We will never purposefully air programming that is offensive to any group.
  • All people should have access to healthcare they can afford. Low-income and minority families are disproportionately affected by an affordable healthcare shortage in the U.S. While only governments at the local, state and federal level have the capacity to implement more effective healthcare policies, we believe the private and public sectors can work together to address this challenge.
  • Corporate tax codes in any country should incentivize investment in the economy and job creation. In addition, tax codes, particularly between countries, should be coordinated to have neither loopholes that permit artificially lower tax rates, nor overlaps that cause higher tax rates or redundant taxation, because these distort company behavior in ways that don’t benefit consumers or the economy. 
  • COVID vaccines we believe currently is the only way to stop the spread of the virus and lower the COVID death rate. Nubian Television will never broadcast unproven or non-credible content regarding the COVID pandemic. We believe in the science and widespread vaccinations.

Broadcasters should always remain non-partisan considering the influence on it’s viewing audience. Nubian Television does not align itself with any political party, political pac or special interest group. We will accept spot advertising from these groups as long as the content of those ads are not detrimental, offensive or insulting to our viewing audience.